Wednesday, March 5, 2008

a play in progress....

the title (as sane as i am) is supposed to sound like insane asylum..... it's kina a joke-ish thing but it's about this guy (man) who is in love with a girl (caylin) but she's insane. there's also a nurse (Aria) who's in love w/ man but (again) man's in love w/ caylin.

As Sane as I am
Scene 1
Act 1
Curtains part, scene opens: Man walks down hall, kind of like apartment building,
Man: Hey Caylin! (looks through window in door)
Caylin: Hi! I’m so glad you’re here!! (sounds a little worried, not too much)
Man: why?
Caylin: I was drinking a glass of apple Juice and my aunt Jilly came out and said “I threw the pudding in the lake!” then the glass overflowed and I almost drowned, but now you’re here and you’ve got to help me! (gets more frazzled as she talks)
Man: Woah! Woah! Calm down!
Caylin: But it’s-
Man: give me your hand! (opens door)
Caylin: (slowly gives hand)
Man: (takes hand) Do you feel water?
Caylin: a-a-aa-apple j-ju-juice (stutters)
Man: Please, (strokes hand) I only feel air.
Caylin: *Whimpers*
Man: Take a deep breath.
Caylin: (breathes)
Man: How do you feel
Caylin: (chokes)
Man: (thrashes open door, rushes through the hall, holding Caylin)
End scene
Scene 2
Act 1
Curtains part, in kitchen like place, man and Caylin rush in
Man: Aria!
Aria: what-
Man: get her meds!
Caylin: (continues to choke)
Aria: (opens cabinet, gets little orange container, takes out two small pills, light blue hands them to man)
Man: (puts in Caylin’s mouth)
Caylin; (seems to fall asleep)
Man: (sigh,sets Caylin on bed, sits down)
Aria: She’ll be fine
Man: I know…. It’s just….. Well…. I mean, what if next time she’s not?
Aria: We can only do so much, we just have to try the hardest we can.
Man: I tried to calm her down… without the pills, before I came here
Aria: No! You know you can’t do that!
Man: But I was so cl-
Aria: (gives evil eye)
Man: I know she’ll come around!
Aria: (sits down next to man) You know that when her parents placed her here they said to just keep her on medication. That means no experimental cures!
Man: but it’s not experimental! It’s worked before
Aria: You know it hasn’t been certified, and that means it’s still experimental (reaches out to grab hand, begins to stroke)
Man: (pulls away) I have to go finish my rounds (walks off)
Aria: (looks longingly)
End scene
Scene 3
Act 1
Curtains part, in a small room, one bed, one window, door with a window
Man: (looks sad, sighs)
Man: (sings sad song about how he loves Caylin but cant have her and how one day he will)
“ C is for Caylin
A is for anyone
Y is for yoodle
L is for … love?
I is for Intwined
N is for never
Never….. ever…. again”
(never and ever long again short)
Aria; Man? Man?? We have to get them ready for lunch!
Man: (sighs, looks up closes eyes, goes back to normal, stands to go, starts walking)
Curtains close…

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